6 Sea Foods That Boost Testosterone Production

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So What Are The Main Sea Foods That Boost Testosterone?

Read On To Find Out!

If you’re a fan of seafood/ fish and are aiming to get a natural testosterone booster. Then good news you’re going to learn what the main fish & sea foods are that boost testosterone production.


Plate of oysters

Oysters are known to be a powerful aphrodisiac, this is mostly due being high in testosterone boosting Zinc! Just two average size oysters provides you with your recommended daily Zinc amounts. Oysters are also a very good source of testosterone boosting vitamin B12, selenium, magnesium and D-aspartic acid. Oysters are a firm feature on most lists of foods that boost testosterone production. They are also one of my top 10 foods to boost testosterone. You can check out the others included in that list in my article below.

My Top 10 Testosterone Boosting Foods



Tuna is one of the most commonly consumed fish globally. It is an effective natural testosterone booster due to the high levels of Vitamin D and the good levels of Omega 3. Tuna is such a good source of vitamin D that an average size single serving provides you with your recommended daily amount of vitamin D.

Check out My Big List Of Testosterone Boosting Foods Here



Lobsters are a great source of testosterone boosting minerals, Selenium, Zinc and Magnesium. A good source of the natural testosterone boosters vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids which reduce inflammation. They are also a source of cholesterol one of the key building blocks of testosterone production.



Plate of salmon

Another commonly eaten fish among the “fancier” of you and certainly a treat for those of us who are less “posh”. Salmon is considered food that boosts testosterone production due to its good levels of selenium, vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids content.

Check out My Big List Of Testosterone Boosting Foods Here



Cod is probably the most commonly consumed fish in the west, it doesn’t have a common nutrition profile. It’s a good source of the natural testosterone booster niacin (not that easy to get in your diet), our old testosterone boosting friend Vitamin B-12. Cod is also a good source of vitamin C which reduces inflammation for increased T.

Cod is also a good source of another recurring hero Omega 3 which also reduces inflammation for a natural testosterone booster. That is why omega 3 is one of the Testosterone Boosting Supplements I Recommend if you don’t get much fish in your diet.


Plate of cooked crab

A very good source of testosterone increasing minerals including selenium, magnesium and not so easily gained sodium. It is also a reasonable source of another T boosting mineral in Zinc. Crab is also a good source of B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, leading to it being an efficient natural testosterone booster.

Check out My Big List Of Foods That Boost Testosterone Production Here

Final Thoughts

I hope you have found this article on fish and sea food to boost testosterone production useful. I just wanted to highlight that I’ve picked out some of the more commonly eaten fish and sea food. There are a lot of others I haven’t mentioned that have a very similar nutritional profile to the foods that boost testosterone listed.

Hopefully, it is clear why their nutritional profile makes them foods to boost testosterone and why fish is great addition to your diet for anyone looking for a natural testosterone booster. If you have any queries in regard to this article want to know what more of my top 10 testosterone boosting foods are; or just want some advice in regard to testosterone production as a whole, just drop me a comment below and I’ll get back to you.

Sharing this article with friends & family will be appreciated and you can follow me on my social media apps. So check them out for more tips, on foods that boost testosterone production and find out more about my top 10 testosterone boosting foods.

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