5 Major Ways Testosterone And Health Are Linked

Did You Think Testosterone Was Just For Muscle? You Aren’t Alone; But There Are At Least 5 Major Ways testosterone And Health Are Connected

Numbers 3, 4 & 5 are likely to be big shockers for you! Read On To Learn What They Are………….

The Physical

I thought I would start with the most obvious first, as I touched on at the beginning of this article, when you ask people about how testosterone and health, most people will likely tell you that testosterone is for building muscle, is what makes you aggressive and possibly what gives men an erection.

While the above is true and increased/ retaining muscle mass is one of the main benefits of healthy testosterone production, there are a number of other physical benefits that you get from having healthy testosterone or when you boost testosterone production. These include the following:

  • Lower Body Fat
  • Faster Reaction Times
  • Improved Blood Circulation
  • Stronger Bones
  • Reduced facial fat
  • Increased energy levels
  • Increased basal metabolic rate/ calorie burn at rest
  • Healthier looking skin

Muscular Man

If you want ideas on ways to increase T, I suggest you check out my natural testosterone booster articles here

Sexual Health

When thinking of how testosterone and health are linked, improved sexual health is probably one of the first things’ that springs to mind. I’m sure most of us have some inclination, as to how healthy testosterone production positively impacts sexual health. As a quick overview, if you aren’t, please check out the main ways your sexual health benefits if you boost testosterone or have higher T levels.

  • Improved erection strength
  • Improved erection frequency
  • Reduced risk of erectile dysfunction
  • Improved libido
  • Better fertility

A Bannana

Emotional Health

Emotional is not a type of health that most people associate with being impacted by your testosterone production. There have been multiple studies conducted in to how testosterone levels impact areas like how motivation, assertiveness & confidence. All have shown that lower levels negatively impact these and being able to boost testosterone leads to a positive improvement in these.

Another major area that testosterone and health are linked is depression, admittedly this does cross over with mental health; but is also an emotional state, so wanted it included here. Studies have shown that men with low testosterone are far more likely to suffer from depression, whereas on the flip side, high levels of T; are often associated with feelings of elation. You can check out the main ways testosterone and health are linked in terms emotional health below and how higher T benefits you.

  • Reduced risk of developing depression
  • Increased motivation
  • Increased assertiveness
  • Increased confidence
  • Increased chance of feeling elation

Happy Man

Mental Health

Although we touched on one are of mental health in depression that is impacted by testosterone levels. Imagine you are shocked to learn there are even more!

Men with lower testosterone are far more likely to develop alzheimers and other types of dementia. Earlier in life, men with low T often experience “brain fog” and a lack of mental clarity, again this is something that can be addressed when you boost testosterone production.

You can check out the main ways testosterone and health are linked in terms mental health and how being able to boost testosterone will benefit you below.

  • Reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s
  • Greater mental clarity
  • Improved Memory
  • Greater focus
  • Reduced risk of experiencing mental fog
  • Reduced risk of depression

Idea Picture

If you want ideas on ways to increase T, I suggest you check out my natural testosterone booster articles here!

Protection From Critical Illness

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, when thinking about testosterone and health, most people think of testosterone being responsible for increased muscle mass. What most people certainly don’t think of is testosterone provides protection against serious and potentially fatal illness.

The reality is that low testosterone levels make you far more prone to the below and having higher and healthy T levels protects you from and reduces your likelihood of developing the serious and in some cases potentially fatal illnesses below.

  • Stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Certain Types of Cancers
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • You also get a higher immune system

Man with doctor

Final Thoughts

I hope you have found this article useful and I haven’t shocked you too much! I just wanted to highlight that testosterone and particularly health testosterone levels are required for more than just muscle mass and getting an erection. If your testosterone levels are low; or even if you have around average levels, being able to boost testosterone production will benefit you in multiple ways as we’ve gone through above.

If you want ideas on ways to increase T, I suggest you check out my natural testosterone booster articles here!

If you have any questions in regard to this article, if any of the above took you by surprise or if you think there are ways that testosterone and health are linked that I’ve missed, drop me a comment and let me know and I’ll get back to you. If you think others may find this article useful, please feel free to share. You can also follow me on my social media sites, where I provide more tips and advice in regard to testosterone and health, ways to boost testosterone production and all things’ testosterone.

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