Does Your Antiperspirant Really Contain Chemicals That Lower Testosterone?
Sadly It Most Likely Does! Discover What These Chemicals Are Here, Why They Lower Testosterone & Other Ways They Can Negatively Impact Your Wider Health Here!
You may have seen my other articles in this series, as unfortunately there are a number of hygiene products that contain chemicals that lower testosterone and antiperspirant is just one of many.
I’ve done multiple articles looking in to different products in detail, much like this one will be; but if you want to get an idea of the products as a whole that contain these toxic chemicals, check out the article below.
Chemicals That Lower Testosterone – Where Are They Found Article
If you’re on my site, I assume you have an interest in making sure you have higher testosterone levels and will know some benefit of this. In case you’re unsure or not aware of the full benefits of having healthy/ higher T levels, check out these articles below.
Testosterone And Health
The Chemicals That cause An Issue 
There a number of toxic chemicals that can be found in antiperspirants, the most common ones are as follows:
- Aluminum Compounds
- Steareths
- Triclosan
- Propylene Glycol
- TEA and DEA
- Artificial Colors
- Parabens
- Phthalates
- Fragrance
Now not all the above negatively impact your testosterone levels or are endocrine disruptors. Moving forward with the article we’re going to focus on the chemicals that lower testosterone & can be considered endocrine disruptors.
You Can Check Out My Recommend Antiperspirant Brands For A Testosterone Booster Here!
What Are Endocrine Disruptors
Now it has occurred to me that you may not actually know what endocrine disruptors are. I’m going to provide a high level overview of what an endocrine disruptor is, if you’d like a more in depth description, I’d advise checking out this article below
Chemicals That Lower Testosterone – Where Are They Found
As a high level overview, endocrine disruptors are chemicals that can interfere with your endocrine/ hormone systems. These disruptions can lead to incorrect hormone production & hormonal imbalance.
This includes lowered testosterone but hormonal imbalances can potentially cause even more serious issues, like development of cancerous tumours, birth defects & other developmental disorders.
In short any of the systems in the body controlled by hormones, can be greatly negatively impacted by hormone disruptors. Endocrine disruptors previously have been associated with the following:
- Development of learning disabilities
- Attention deficit disorder
- Brain & cognitive development issues
- Body deformity
- Multiple Types of Cancer
As you can see the above is fairly worrying, endocrine disruptors potentially causing hormonal imbalances and lowering testosterone production is just the “tip of the iceberg”.
So now you hopefully have more of an understanding of what endocrine disruptors are and the dangers they pose above being chemicals that lower testosterone production. With that being said, lets take a look at the chemicals that pose a risk to testosterone and your endocrine system in a bit more detail.
Aluminium Compounds
Aluminum is the ingredient in antiperspirants responsible for clogging pores and is what actually prevents sweating.
In tests Aluminium exposure has been shown to interfere with testosterone and estrogen levels. When your body can’t process estrogen and testosterone properly, there’s a higher risk of a number of illnesses breast cancer, prostate cancer and Alzheimer’s disease included amongst them.
You Can Check Out My Recommend Antiperspirant Brands For A Testosterone Booster Here!
This chemical is used in wide range of skin and cosmetics products, you will see it is a common appearance in my Chemicals That Lower Testosterone Articles – It is used as a preservative in these products, the issue is two fold it mimics estrogen in your body, lowering your ratio of testosterone to estrogen. Parabens are also an endocrine disruptor, which as we covered above and disrupts hormonal balances and can cause wider health issues.
Research conducted by the US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has linked methyl parabens to developmental, metabolic, hormonal, & neurological disorders. So parabens don’t just lower effect your testosterone and your endocrine system but potentially are a threat to multiple areas of health!
The FDA in America has classified this chemical as a pesticide, despite that it is a common ingredient in deodorants & antiperspirants. Triclosan has been linked to potential antibiotic resistance & is also an endocrine disruptor, which is what makes it a threat to testosterone production.
TEA/ Triethanolamine
Triethanolamine (TEA) is a chemical that can seep into the skin. In animal studies to has been shown to be an endocrine disruptor, it can potentially trigger asthma, is an immune system toxicant and can affect your liver and kidneys. In fact, they’re so harmful that these two chemicals have already been banned from products in Europe because they are known carcinogens.2
An endocrine disruptor in animal studies, may trigger asthma, may cause allergic reaction including eye irritation, immune system toxicant. Possible carcinogen, forms carcinogenic nitrosamines when mixed with nitrosating agents.
You Can Check Out My Recommend Antiperspirant Brands For A Testosterone Booster Here!
Pronounced as thal-ates, these are a chemical that disrupt your endocrine function and negatively impact the male reproductive system. This includes the destruction of testicular cells, decreasing sperm count and causing thyroid irregularities, with the latter two being the main reason they are such a threat to testosterone production. This is due to the testes & thyroid being responsible for regulation and production of testosterone.
The major issue with phthalates is that you don’t see them directly listed on products ingredients! The main thing you need to look out for is synthetic fragrance. “Fragrance”/ “pafum” is possibly the most ambiguously listed ingredient in existence.
The issue is from a legal standpoint that it’s considered “proprietary,” and due to this manufacturers don’t have to disclose the what their fragrance is made from and this is how chemicals that lower testosterone like phthalates can be sneaked in.
As we’ve mentioned above, fragrance formulations are usually “trade secret” information and as a result don’t have to be revealed. There are however some common fragrance ingredients used, one is phthalates which we’ve covered above. Others are synthetic musk, such as galaxolide and tonalide, these have been linked to endocrine disruption and are likely chemicals that lower testosterone.
You Can Check Out My Recommend Antiperspirant Brands For A Testosterone Booster Here!
How To Know If Your Antiperspirant Contains These Chemicals
The sad fact is that the majority of anti perspiring brands and products contain these chemicals. I certainly advise to check the ingredients labels and looking up online what chemicals products contain.
Pretty much all brands that don’t contain these types of chemicals, advertise themselves as such and are big at promoting on that front. Look for organic brands or brands that promote themselves as being free of toxic chemicals.
As mentioned above, organisations that promote themselves as being organic and free of toxic chemicals are going to be your main products to look for. There are a few different brands that I use that match this criteria.
They are all free of chemicals that lower testosterone and toxic chemicals as a whole. You can check them out for yourself below.
My Recommend Antiperspirant Brands For A Testosterone Booster
Final Thoughts & Future Articles
I hope you have found this article on chemicals that lower testosterone in antiperspirants useful. You should now have an understanding of what the main dangerous chemicals are and the threat they pose to your health over and above potentially lowering testosterone.
As I mentioned above, I will be creating an article reviewing my top recommended antiperspirants that don’t contain chemicals that lower testosterone so keep an eye out for that or check out the links above to see two of my recommendations.
If you have any questions in regard to this article, things that can lower T or testosterone production as a whole, just drop me a comment below and I’ll get back to you.
Please share this article with anyone you think will find it useful. Feel free to check me out on my social media pages as well, for more tips regarding where chemicals that lower testosterone are found and ways to boost testosterone production.