The Military Muscle testosterone booster is a high quality, strength, legal and safe supplement. An all natural testosterone supplement. It has been developed to deliver improved body composition and mental health. For those with even the most intensive exercise regimes.
Rating: 97/100
Do I Recommend Purchasing: 100% Yes
The Story Behind The Military Muscle Testosterone Booster
The founder of Military Muscle is a serving soldier & competitive athlete. The idea for military muscle came about, after trying multiple different natural testosterone boosters. Sadly they all delivered limited results. It was at this stage they realised, that most testosterone boosting supplements are essentially the same pre made formula. Just with a different label on the front. Dependent on which brand was selling it.
In 2015, they started created & testing their formula. With the end game being to develop a natural testosterone supplement that benefits everyone. Regardless of sport, profession and interest they partake in. For a long time, supplements (testosterone ones in particular) have been sold that include unproven ingredients. With lower doses than required and in some cases hidden ingredients and blends.
Military Muscle have set out to challenge and disrupt the status quo. They want to change what is currently an accepted standard within many areas of the supplement industry. The professional research team behind the Military Muscle testosterone booster complex. Come from a wide & varied background. This included contributions from weightlifters, power-lifters, soldiers, skiers. Rugby players, marathon runners, personal trainers, cyclists, tennis players, rifle and pistol marksmen. So needless to say, Military Muscle testosterone booster complex. Has been developed to deliver an improvement in testosterone production, physical and mental health.
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Reasons To Purchase Military Muscle Testosterone Booster
You will realise that as this Military Muscle testosterone booster review goes on. That I highly recommend it & believe it to be the best testosterone supplement on the market. For those of you who are a bit more impatient. I thought I’d put together a “hit list” of the reasons you should purchase their natural testosterone supplement.
- Long list of proven testosterone boosting ingredients
- Clinically accurate doses of ingredients
- 100% natural, safe and legal ingredients
- Suitable for vegans
- No banned substances (professional athletes can use this supplement)
- They adhere to premium manufacturing standards
- No side effects
- Free global, tracked and signed for shipping
- 90 day money back guarantee
- Multi purchase/ bundle discounts
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Who Is The Military Muscle Testosterone Booster For?
As we’ve mentioned above. The Military Muscle testosterone booster complex is suitable for all men. It has been designed to be effective regardless of what physical exploits and activities you take part in. For me what sets Military Muscle apart from other testosterone boosting supplements is. Not only is it a highly effective testosterone booster. It has been designed to improve your overall performance as well.
The Military Muscle testosterone booster complex is a global product. Every order comes with free tracked and signed global shipping! So if the above meet what you are looking for. I can confidently say that Military Muscle is likely the best testosterone supplement for you.
Ingredients In The Military Muscle Testosterone Booster
So this is they key part of the Military Muscle testosterone booster review. For me “content is king”. When it comes to testosterone boosting supplements. As we review the ingredients of the military muscle testosterone booster complex. You will see why I rate it as one of, if not the best testosterone supplement on the market.
You can check out below all the key ingredients that make up the military muscle testosterone booster complex. One thing I wanted to highlight now. Is that all the ingredients are in a high enough dosage to increase T. Shockingly, this sets them apart, from the majority of their competitors.
Vitamin D3 – 99.96mcg
Vitamin K2 – 45mcg
D-Aspartic Acid – 2300mg
Vitamin A – 257mcg
Zinc – 20mg
Ashwagandha – 600mg
Fenugreek – 500mg
Boron – 10mg
Urtica Dioica – 360mg
Iron – 12mg
Mucuna Pruriens – 56mg

Vitamin D 99.96 mcg
Many people refer to vitamin D3 as the ‘sunshine vitamin’. This is due to the sun being primary source of Vitamin D3. So if you happen to live in a county where you don’t get much exposure. Supplementing is necessary to boost testosterone production. Other elements of your health as well.
The active form of Vitamin D3, behaves as a steroid hormone. This is why it is believed to boost testosterone production. There have been several studies investigating the effects of Vitamin D on testosterone production. These studies have shown a positive correlation between Vitamin D supplementation & improved testosterone production. For example, a 12 month long study found. That men who supplemented with Vitamin D. Saw an increase in testosterone production on average of 20%.
So vitamin D is a great ingredient to be included in any testosterone boosting supplement! The military muscle testosterone boosting complex. Contains 99.96mcg which is far higher than most competing brands (any I’ve seen). More importantly, more than a high enough concentration, to positively impact testosterone production. You can check out some studies related to Vitamin D3 & testosterone production below.
You Can Check Out My Article Looking At The Importance Of Getting Enough Vitamin D For Testosterone Production Here
Vitamin K2 45 mcg
Vitamin K2 is believed to help boost testosterone production on two levels. One (which is still to be fully verified) is due to containing a compound called Menaquinone-4. The other is the synergistic relationship it has with vitamin D. Supplying the body with enough vitamin K allows it to fully utilise the bodies’ vitamin D stores most effectively. As we already covered above. Vitamin D also plays a large role when it comes to boosting testosterone production.
Vitamin D3 & K2 should always come as pair due to this synergistic relationship. However not all natural testosterone supplements contain both. Some contain both but just not in high enough concentration. Great news for those of you reading this Military Muscle testosterone booster review & who are considering purchasing. The Military muscle testosterone booster complex does have high enough concentrations.
In regard to Menaquinone-4. This is compound thought to enhance testosterone production in the testes. Sadly there are yet to be human studies. There have however been rat studies. These have shown a lot of promise and that is where the hypothesis it can boost testosterone comes from. Either way vitamin K2 paired with vitamin D3 is an effective testosterone booster. If MK4 helps further boost testosterone on top of this. It is an even greater benefit to this already effective ingredient.
D-Aspartic Acid – 2300mg
D-Aspartic acid is a naturally occurring amino acid. It is thought to boost testosterone production due to increasing follicle-stimulating hormone and the luteinizing hormone. Luteinizing hormone is responsible for enabling the Leydig cells in the testes produce greater amounts of testosterone. So it sounds like a no brainer as an ingredient in the military muscle testosterone booster complex. There is however some conflicting evidence regarding DAA. Most research suggests that it will only boost testosterone. When you are deficient in testosterone.
Studies In To D-Asartic Acid & Testosterone/Health
There is one particular study of healthy men however. They were shown to experience a significant boost in testosterone after 12 days of supplementation. On top of that, it was reported that even 3 days after the supplementation had ended. That the T levels remained elevated. Other studies have shown that D-Aspartic acid also benefits fertility. With 90 days supplementation, leading to doubling the sperm count of participants in a study.
There has also been another study. That demonstrated a combination of D-Aspartic acid and vitamin D3. Led to an increase in testosterone production for middle-aged men. Not only T though. They experienced improved libido and also reported feelings of increased vitality and energy. DAA has also been proven to improve fertility. For those suffering from a low or a reduced sperm count & quality. In a study that was conducted. It was found that when DAA is taken for 3 months. it greatly increases the sperm volume. Which in turn resulted in an increase of pregnancies. This improvement is illustrated in the data below.
In other studies, men have been shown to gain an increase in strength. For me it’s a great ingredient to include & one I frequently recommend to clients (2 grams per day). So it’s a welcome addition to Military Muscle. Perhaps more importantly it’s in a high enough concentration to positively impact testosterone production. You can check out some studies related to K2 & testosterone production below.
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Vitamin A 257mcg
There is a lot to get excited about, when looking at the health benefits of vitamin A. In regard to testosterone production. It is believed that deficiency negatively affects the leydig cells in the testes. As we covered above when looking at D-aspartic acid. Leydig cells enable the production of testosterone. So you certainly don’t want a deficiency from a T perspective.
As a result, it is suggested that low levels of vitamin A are associated with reduced testosterone. At least according to a report released by the University of Illinois. On top of that vitamin A help maintain many other areas of your health. This includes your immune system, bone, eye, skin and reproductive health.
While vitamin A deficiency isn’t necessarily common. It impacts so many areas of your health and helps boost testosterone production. So it makes sense that it has been included in the military muscle testosterone booster complex. You can check out some studies related to Vitamin A & testosterone production below.
Relevant Studies
Iron 12mg
You may not be aware; but iron is actually one of the most important minerals for your health. Iron helps to reduce fatigue, increase red blood cell count and supports the immune system. Red blood cell count is very important. As these are the cells that transport oxygen to the organs and muscles. As such having suitable amounts of Iron in the body is very important.
Shockingly iron deficiency is pretty common on a global scale. There is actually a correlation between low testosterone & anaemia in men. There is also another interesting study that was conducted. It showed that a combination of iron and vitamin A supplementation. To be just as effective as hormonal therapy. So plenty of positives to vitamin A being part of the formula. You can check out some studies related to Vitamin A & testosterone production below.
Urtica Diocia 360mg
Now I know this sounds like perhaps an obscure European rock band. It’s actually a nettle leaf. Nettle offers multiple health benefits. From a testosterone perspective it inhibits an enzyme process called aromatisation. This is where testosterone is converted to estrogen. So inhibiting this, stops T becoming estrogen. So keeps testosterone levels up and estrogen levels down.
On top of that, there is also evidence that nettle can actively boost testosterone levels. If any of you have taken anabolic steroids (it can be our secret). Nettle has shown promise in reducing the size of the prostate. In studies, 360mg daily has been used to positive effect. Which is exactly how much you get with the Military Muscle testosterone booster complex. So another great example where they not only give you great ingredients. You also get them in the right concentrations! You can check out some studies related to the below.
Fenugreek 500mg
Fenugreek is actually a herb. In studies, it has been shown to boost testosterone in men. While also greatly raising strength & lowering body fat. The research suggests this is due to Fenugreek reducing enzymes in the body that convert testosterone into estrogen.
One of the most in depth studies on the effects Fenugreek. Tested 30 college men over a period of a two month period. The participants were split in to two groups. Where they performed resistance training four times a week. With one of the groups receiving 500 mg of fenugreek per day.
It was found that the group who were supplementing with fenugreek. Saw an increase in their free and total testosterone levels. They also saw a greater increase in strength and fat loss. In contrast, the group that only weight trained. a=Actually had a slight decline in T levels. In addition to being able to boost testosterone. Studies suggest that fenugreek can assist with the following:
- Increased libido
- Increased energy levels
- Improved sexual performance
500mg is widely accepted as the best amount to supplement with to boost testosterone production. To see other health benefits as well. At this stage in the military muscle testosterone booster review. I imagine you won’t be surprised to learn, the concentration of fenugreek for this product is 500mg! You can check out some studies related to the above below.
Ashwagandha 600mg
Military Muscle contains a colossal 600mg of Ashwagandha extract. Much more than its competitors. In a study conducted by the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. It was shown that Ashwagandha has significantly increased testosterone levels. Significantly increased muscular strength across a variety of exercises as well. This was recorded in comparison with a placebo over a 3 month period. You can check out the results are illustrated in the graph below.
Ashwagandha is also known to help reduce stress and anxiety levels. There have been studies which show that it can reduce the stress hormone cortisol. Which is an added health and testosterone production benefit. Cortisol actually suppresses testosterone production. Ashwagandha is also believed to have the following health benefits:
- Increases male fertility
- Improve memory & brain function
- Lowers blood sugars
- Anti cancer properties
- Reduces inflammation
Most studies suggest that supplementing with 500mg is required to see testosterone levels increase and other health improvements. The military muscle testosterone booster complex delivers you a massive 600mg per day!
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Boron 10mg
Boron helps boost testosterone production & optimises your testosterone ratios in three key different ways. These are as follows:
Boron reduces levels of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) in your blood
This includes your testosterone, so Boron reducing SHBG means you have a greater amount of unbound/ free testosterone. In short this is testosterone that is free for the body to utilise.
Boron Increases Vitamin D Levels
As you will have seen earlier in this military muscle testosterone booster review, having high levels of Vitamin D & D3 levels, greatly benefits testosterone production. Studies that have investigated the effects of boron supplementation on vitamin D, have shown to increase vitamin D levels.
Boron Lowers Inflammation
Supplementation with boron has been shown to lead to lower levels of estrogen. One study found that supplementing with 10 mg of boron per day, led to men’s estrogen levels decreasing by an average of 39%. This is likely due to lowering the amount of inflammation in the body. Lower inflammation means reduced aromataze activity. Aromatization is the process where testosterone is converted to estrogen. this is lower when inflammation is lower.
So the lower your inflammation is, the higher your testosterone is & the lower your estrogen will be. Another study published in 2011, showed that 10mg of boron supplementation per day, led to human participants’ testosterone levels increasing. To get 10mg of boron in your diet, you would need to eat about 9 avocados! Needless to say that wouldn’t be advised, so the Military Muscle testosterone booster complex providing such a great concentration of boron is a massive advantage!
Mucuna Pruriens 56mg
Research in to mucuna pruriens has shown that the seeds are good for improved male fertility. Further investigation has revealed that with supplementation, men with varying forms of fertility saw a significant increase of testosterone production. The boost in testosterone is likely in part due to mucuna pruriens reducing prolactin levels. Prolactin is harmful for testosterone production, negatively impacts libido and the ability to produce an erection. An investigation carried out by The International Journal of Pharmacology found that it is an anti-inflammatory and also has anti-bacterial benefits. You can check out some studies related Mucuna Pruriens and the health benefits below:
Zinc 20mg
Having a Zinc deficiency is associated with low testosterone levels. Multiple studies have demonstrated that a zinc restricted diet will lead to reduced T levels. Studies have also shown that, men suffering from low T, nearly double their hormone levels after supplementing with zinc for as little as six months.
The World Health Organization, estimates that zinc deficiency ranging from the severe to the mild, impacts approximately one-third of the global population, so it’s a fairly common thing! Athletes and people who are physically active, are at particularly at risk of zinc deficiency as it can be lost during sweat. Those with diets extremely high in carbs are often at a risk of zinc deficiency as well. So again, a necessity in terms of providing a testosterone boost. The military muscle testosterone booster complex provides well over 100% of your daily amount as well!
Military Muscle Testosterone Booster Ingredient Concentrations
For me, this is one of the key things to take away from this Military Muscle testosterone booster review. They have done extensive research in to the best ingredients to include to boost testosterone; but on top of that, they have made sure that each ingredient is in a high enough concentration to benefit T levels.
This is where the military muscle testosterone booster complex actually differs to the majority of their competitors. While other brands may contain some (in some cases all) of these ingredients, they aren’t usually in a high enough concentration to positively & effectively impact T production! Another thing that separates Military muscle from a number of competing testosterone boosting supplements is that their nutrient profile is 100% open and transparent.
There is no concealed or secretive proprietary blends, so you know exactly what you are getting & that the ingredients boost testosterone production. The other thing to reiterate is that their products are suitable for vegans & in my opinion it is one of the best vegan supplements on the market.
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No Banned Substances In The Military Muscle Testosterone Booster
For those of you who are professional or competitive athletes, you’ll be glad to know that the Military Muscle testosterone booster complex does not contain any banned substances. This is clearly started on the Military muscle website. Every ingredient in the product has been cross-referenced with the WADA (World Anti Doping Agency) prohibited substance list.
None of the ingredients are featured on the prohibited dietary supplement ingredients list issued by the Department of Defense either. This has been done to ensure that users will not fail any drug screening tests. If you are an athlete or in the military, the military muscle testosterone booster complex does not contain any substances that are banned.
How The Military Muscle Testosterone Booster Is Manufactured
Over recent years there has been an increase of supplements being manufactured in the Far East and sadly with this comes a concern for quality control. I’m sure that like me, when it comes to supplements, you want to make sure you are getting the highest quality ingredients.
You’ll be glad to know that the military testosterone booster complex is manufactured in the UK and as a result strict rules and regulations for manufacturers of supplements have to be adhered. Further, to this, it is manufactured in an FDA and a BRC global standards accredited facility. They recently overhauled their manufacturing process so that there capsule are now suitable for vegans. I believe military muscle to not only be the best testosterone supplement on the market; but also one of the best vegan supplements I’ve seen.
Military Muscle Testosterone Booster Prices
When you head over to the Military Muscle site, you will immediately see a notification that you get free global shipping. Free shipping comes with all volumes of purchases which in itself is pretty unique and saves you a fair amount of money.
They also offer discounts on multi bottle purchases, if you buy 2 bottles you get a 10% discount, you get 4 bottles for the price of 3. They even have a super 6 month bundle package, this includes 6 bottles, a Military Muscle tee shirt, vinyl sticker & free priority shipping. You can select your local currency but so you know the prices, I’ve provided them in UK pounds & US dollars.
Bottle & Multi Bottle Prices
1 Bottle (1 month): £56.40/ $65
2 Bottles (2 months): £90.71/ $117
4 Bottles (4 months): £151.19/ $195
6 Bottles (6 months): £216.32/ $279
I usually purchase the six month supply. It is by far the best value for money; but all the packages represent good money. Especially when you consider the quality of the product you are getting for your money with Military Muscle.
Additional Diet & Training Plan Bonuses
Military muscle now have special new bonuses for those who purchase 4 & 6 month supplies. They have collaborated with an active MMA fighter & personal trainer to create “fighter fitness” plans.
This includes:
- 12 week functional workout plan
- Omnivore, Vegan & carnivore diet plans
- 75 pages of quality training & diet advice to refer to
These guides are specifically designed to improve your function fitness. Again you get this when you order the four or six month bundle of the military muscle testosterone booster.
The Military Muscle Testosterone Booster Guarantee
Military muscle offering a 90 day guarantee. This is logical as many of the studies in to the ingredients demonstrate you start to see clear effects and results after 2 or 3 months of supplementation. If you don’t like the product, you can claim your money within 90 days of purchasing!
Testimonials For The Military Muscle Testosterone Booster
Although the military muscle testosterone booster complex is a pretty new product, there are already some very good testimonials & I just wanted to pick a few for you to look at.
“I thought the Military Muscle supplement was just a fancy name like so many other products sold on the web! I was pleasantly surprised after a few weeks of use I could feel my stamina, energy and focus improving.
After three months of using Military Muscle my body began to change, I noticed my muscles looked more defined and I could lift longer and heavier than before. Although i was putting extra time in down the gym I felt Military Muscle was an excellent addition to my cutting cycles, Markus Rashton, UK.”
The Military Muscle Testosterone Booster Performance Guarantee
There’s also a 90 day guarantee. So, if you are not happy with the product, they will return your money. Based on my experience and the experience of others I’m pretty confident that you will be pleased with the results!
The Pros Of The Military Muscle Testosterone Booster
As you may have likely gathered from this Military Muscle testosterone booster review. I believe it to be an excellent product and the best testosterone supplement that I’ve come across! I just wanted to give a high level overview of what I believe to be the main pros of the product:
- Created after 3 years of testing, including real world scenarios with athletes & military personnel.
- Very high number of proven ingredients that boost testosterone.
- High concentration/ dosage of the ingredients (all at proven dosages to positively impact T production)
- 100% transparency on product ingredients.
- High quality & stringent manufacturing processes.
- Suitable for vegans
- All ingredients are safe and legal to use.
- All ingredients in line with WADA requirements, no banned ingredients for competitive sports or military.
- Free global shipping on all order sizes
- Discount on multi/ larger orders.
- Multiple payment options.
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The Cons Of The Military Muscle Testosterone Booster
As a premium product, with the quality of ingredients & the research behind this, it is more expensive than most testosterone boosters. That being said, if you were to purchase all the ingredients in the military muscle testosterone booster complex at the same concentrations/ dosage individually, you’d be looking at paying at least 50% more! For me these are the only negatives, it is extremely high quality product and the best of the natural testosterone supplement I’ve encountered.
Final Thoughts On Military Muscle Testosterone Booster
I hope you have found this military muscle testosterone booster review useful. Hopefully you can see what a high quality product it is and why I recommend purchasing! It contains many of the vitamins and minerals that people are deficient in and more importantly it contains the right volumes to boost testosterone production. I’ve used this product to consolidate multiple different supplements I was taking. As a result I have saved money compared to ordering ingredients separately, take less capsules daily & have more storage space!
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If you have any questions in regard to this military muscle testosterone booster review, the product as a whole, just drop me a comment below. Please also share with anyone else you think may find this interesting!