My Keto Resource Review – A Testosterone Booster Diet Plan

Are you ready for this Keto Resource Review?

I’m going to show you why it is a top testosterone boosting diet, and one you should definitely consider doing! You can check out THE Keto Resource here if you’re really antsy to get started on this diet.

Price: Keto Resource is Free & The 28-Day Keto Challenge (Their Premium Product) is: $37

Keto Resource Challenge Ebooks


Global Availability: Available Worldwide

Where To Access:

Money back guarantee: Yes 60 day 100% money back guarantee

Quality of Content: 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

Cost: 4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

Ease Of use: 4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)

Overall Score: 4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)


Keto Resource Review Introduction

Cooked Steak

In this article we are going to doing a review of Keto Resource and explore whether it is effective testosterone booster diet. So we will be looking at what a Keto diet/eating plan is & why it helps boost testosterone production.

Learn more about Keto resource itself, what they offer in terms of content & what sets it apart from other keto products. We will also look at the cost of their product, the value you get for your money and how easy it is to use/follow.

What Is A Keto Eating Plan?


Before looking at Keto resource specifically and whether it is a good diet plan for a testosterone booster. I thought it would be useful to look at what a Keto/ketogenic eating plan is as a whole. As keto, is a diet/style of eating and there are multiple plans you can follow based on Keto.

So I want to make sure you have an understanding of what is meant by keto and why a Keto eating plan as a whole can potentially help boost testosterone production and  improve wider health.

The ketogenic diet focuses on eating high-fat, low carbs & getting adequate protein levels. This style of eating forces your body to burn fat as your main source of energy as supposed to carbohydrates.

Utilsing fat as your main energy source occurs when you reach a state of ketosis. Ketosis happens when there is so little carbohydrate in the body, that your liver then converts fat into fatty acids & ketone bodies.

These ketone bodies are then used to replace glucose as an energy source. This elevated level of ketone bodies in the blood is what is known as being in the state of ketosis. Check Out Keto Resource Here!

Benefits Of Being In Ketosis

Muscular man in hoody

It was initially developed as a cure for epilepsy and there is strong evidence that it helps reduce the effects of this.

As we’ve mentioned above and the reason we’re looking at a diet plan based around Keto is that being in Ketosis can boost testosterone production.

It can also bring many other health benefits, including the following:

  • Increased weight loss & greater long term weight loss
  • Increased muscle mass gains
  • Steady supply of Energy throughout the day
  • Eliminating sugar spikes & crashes
  • Mood stabilizer for people with type 2 bipolar disorder
  • Can reduce the effects/ cure type 2 diabetes

Why Being In Ketosis Helps Boost Testosterone Production

eggs, steak and spinach

If you look at the what it takes to reach ketosis and the above list of health benefits you get from being in ketosis. It becomes pretty clear why following a Keto eating plan can be an effective testosterone booster.

You will be getting lots of cholesterol which is the main building block of testosterone. The low amounts of sugar means reduced insulin spikes and inflammation; both of which suppress & lead to lowered testosterone production.

The reduced body fat and increased muscle you should gain as part of a keto diet will also lead to the body producing more testosterone as well. The other key thing is, that on a Keto diet the majority of what you eat is naturally occurring food produce.

This means you will be getting more nutrients that increase testosterone. You will also be getting less ingredients like seed oils, trans fats, sugars & additives which lower testosterone production. 

So now we’ve covered what a keto eating plan is and how it can be a testosterone booster. Lets take a look at Keto Resource specifically and what they offer as a Keto eating plan for you to follow.

Check Out Keto Resource Here!

What Is Keto Resource

Keto Resource Challenge Ebooks

Keto resource is a site that provides a number blogs posts, PDF guides, recipes and free resources to help you achieve ketosis. A lot of the content they provide is free; but the most valuable resource they offer is their premium/ paid for product which is the 28-Day Keto Challenge.

So let us now take a look at the keto resource, the content you get free and the 28-day Keto Challenge and the quality of the content on offer.

Check Out Keto Resource Here! 

Quality Of Content 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

For me they provide more content and content of a higher quality than any other Keto eating plan or resource that I’ve encountered. In fact, I’d go as far to say that the information you can access for free is more in depth than what you get from many of the diet plans that you pay for.

So let’s take a look at what you get for free and what is included with their premium product the 28-Day Keto Challenge.

The Free Content On Keto Resource

Keto 101: As the name would suggest, this is an introduction to the Keto diet.

It gives you an overview of what a Keto diet is, how it works, answers to the most frequently asked questions. You are given the an overview of the types of foods that you can & can’t eat. Essentially it’s your intro to understand if a keto type of eating plan is potentially right for you.

Blog: This is a series of articles, based on subjects helping you to be successful with the Keto diet.

Things like “7 keto diet mistakes” “ketogenic diet for kids” are largely featured. There are also articles about related health subjects, plenty of good free info there.

Recipes: They have over 200 recipes available, all of which are suitable for a Keto diet.

These are step by step extremely easy to follow recipes, this alone is what some people are charge for!

Questions: This is a section where you can ask questions on anything related to the Keto diet.

Their customer services team will come back to you, as can other keto resource members. All existing questions with the answers are saved so you can see if your question has already come up.

There are all manners of questions from advice on supplements, whether you can eat specific foods, whether you can cut out food groups. If a keto diet can help with certain health issues, just to give you an idea.

Again this is still free and a good way to work out if the keto diet is potentially right for you.

Related Product Reviews: In this section they provide reviews of other products related to a Keto eating plan.

Some are more generic fitness type products such as workout guides; but a lot are keto specific, such as reviews of cooking oils, “keto coffees” etc. Their reviews aren’t quite as in depth as mine but the Keto specific reviews, I’ve found useful to identify other potentially useful products.

Check Out Keto Resource Here

The 28-Day Keto Challenge

Keto Resource 28 day keto challenge

So now that we’ve gone through what you get as free resources. We’re going to take a look at their premium/ paid for Cproduct the 28-day keto challenge.

What Is The 28-Day Keto Challenge

This is a full step-by-step ketogenic diet guide. With the 28-day keto challenge, you get a 28-day meal plan and seven separate guides to educate you on the keto diet.

They also provide you with the motivation and support you need to make sure you stick to the diet. This diet guide provides you with literally everything you need to complete your first full month of the keto diet.

Having done the keto diet myself and tried a couple of different plans, I can testify that once you’ve completed your first month, it is very easy to continue with.

The 28-day keto challenge is very detailed but incredibly easy to follow. The ease to follow, is what sets it apart from the majority of keto plans and most dieting plans for that matter.

This plan provides you with a wide variety of useful resources and materials to help you transition into this diet and stick with it. So now we’re going to look at what the separate guides are that make up the 28-Day Keto Challenge and what is covered in each.

Keto Diet – The Basics:

  • Basic rules
  • Benefits
  • Shopping Lists
  • Goals
  • Keto Food Pyramid
  • Supplies
  • Food Lists
  • Worksheets

This should be your starting point when going through the 28-Day keto Challenge. This guide will take you through exactly how the program works, what you should expect and the multiple benefits including a testosterone booster. At this stage they also provide you with thirteen tips that will massively increase your chances of success following this plan and Keto as a whole.

28-Day Meal Plan:

brazil nuts

  • Breakfast Recipes
  • Lunch Recipes
  • Dinner Recipes
  • Snack Recipes
  • Tips for Overcoming Cravings
  • 28-day meal plan

This guide gives you some extremely helpful tips on maintaining the ketogenic diet. It gives you your eating plan for each day, detailing which meals you can have per day for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

You get in depth recipes and easy to follow step by step cooking instructions for 38 individual keto meals. There are 10 breakfast, 14 lunch and 14 dinner recipes. This provides you with all the meals you require for the first 28 days. It also ensures you feel like you’re having variety, which can be an issue following other Keto eating plans.

Ketosis – Tips for Staying in Ketosis:


  • What is Ketosis
  • Entering Ketosis
  • Tips to jump start Ketosis
  • Three Days or Less
  • Testing Methods
  • Staying in Ketosis
  • Worksheets

This will give you a complete guide on how to effectively make the transition on to a keto diet and ensure you do effectively and correctly. Transitioning in to a state of ketosis, isn’t always that easy and these tips will make this transition far smoother!

This guide also advises you on how to smoothly transition out of a state of ketosis. This is important as it can be tricky without access to the right information.


  • What are Macros?
  • Calculating Your Macros?
  • Net Carbs vs. Total Carbs
  • Fat is your Friend
  • Protein
  • Hidden Carbs
  • Worksheet

A Micro Look at Macro Nutrients: This guide gives you useful information on the volumes of fats, protein and carbs that your body needs daily. This guide will help you to accurately calculate your macro nutrients, which will help you ensure you stay in a state of ketosis. This is also helpful for any kind of nutritional tracking moving forward.

Keto Flu

  • What is the Keto Flu?
  • Electrolytes to Get
  • Importance of Hydration
  • Supplements
  • Tips
  • Worksheet

Beating it in a Healthy Way

This guide will be a helpful resource, as the “keto flu” is something that a number of people go through during the transition to ketosis. This guide will help you do the right things to minimise and potentially completely avoid the symptoms.

Again following this advice will make the transition in to ketosis far smoother!

Intermittent Fasting – Tips for Success:

  • Basics of Intermittent Fasting
  • Types of Intermittent Fasting
  • Breaking the Fast
  • Tips

I see this more as an additional bonus, as isn’t strictly part of ketosis or the process of getting the body in to Ketosis. That being said, I’m very happy that this has been included!

Intermittent fasting is something I recommend to a number of my clients, it is a very effective indirect testosterone booster. It also aids with fat loss and helps your body to greatly heal through a process called autophagy.

This guide goes into great detail how to carry out intermittent safely and effectively. The great thing about this is, to get this kind of information, you’d usually have to purchase a separate product.

The good news for you is that intermittent fasting paired with a keto eating plan, will greatly boost testosterone production.

Keto and Friends

  • Social Pressure
  • Eating Out
  • Alcohol and Keto

Dealing with Social Pressures

28 day keto challenge guides

This is a useful guide and it covers how to deal with the social pressures associated with following a keto eating plan. It provides you with a very useful chart that directs you to the best ways to handle potential social pressures. This includes being in social situations with drinking alcohol and eating foods that will take you out of Ketosis.

The Bonus Products:

You also get the following bonus guides that will make following a keto eating plan far easier.:

  • Chocolate Fat Bombs and Desserts
  • Keto Desserts
  • Keto Friendly Avocado Recipes
  • Supplements Guide

Quality Of Content Final Thoughts

As you can see you get a lot of content with The 28-Day Keto Challenge. In my opinion you pretty much have everything that you need to successfully follow the diet for life should you wish. What makes the product truly special is that they provide you with the tips and resources to make transitioning in to ketosis extremely easy.

And the tips to stop you slipping out of ketosis, this is important as the process of getting in to ketosis is not too difficult. The maintaining it for a longer period is what people tend to struggle with most; and it’s these smaller yet crucial things, most keto guides don’t cover!

You then have all the recipes and the meal plan itself, most people sell these as products in their own individual rights. Then when you take in to account the other modules like macros, intermittent fasting and the bonus guides, these only add additional value. I’m sure you can see why I have given the quality of content full marks!

Check out the 28-day keto challenge here

Ease Of Use 4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)

Keto Resource 28-day keto challenge guides

As I’ve mentioned multiple times throughout this article, it is an extremely easy product to follow. All the guides are explained in very plain language and is in step by step layout, the recipes are extremely easy to follow.

If you need support it’s there for you, if you have questions, there is a good chance the answer is already available. That someone has answered it previously and if not someone will come back to you. This eating plan is designed to make following a keto diet/ eating plan as easy for you as possible.

If you tried a keto diet before or have researched it, you will know that the hardest thing is making sure that you stay in ketosis. The 28-day Keto challenge, gives you everything you need to succeed, you won’t need to go off and do additional research, it’s the only product I’ve come across that is this in depth.

Finally, one of my favorite things is that it’s a digital product, so you can download to multiple devices. So if you are out at a restaurant for example, you can quickly refer back to this on your mobile or perhaps tablet and be comfortable in what you’re ordering.

Cost: 4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5)

As I’ve advised at the top of this review, the Keto resource guides are free for you to use and access. Their premium product the 28-day keto challenge is $37.

While $37 dollars is more than your average keto diet plan guide, this product really is the Ferrari of keto diet plans. You literally have everything that you need to succeed and more than that.

Where most keto diet plans and guides fall down is that you need to do a lot of additional research. That really isn’t the case with the 28-day keto challenge, it is by far the most in depth keto eating plan that I’ve encountered.

If you then when you take in to account all the free content you can see why I’ve given an overall score of 4/5.

money back gauruntee

The other thing to remind you of is that you are protected by 60 day money back guarantee!

If you aren’t happy with the 28-day keto challenge for any reason, you can request your refund and get your full refund no questions asked within that first 60 days.

You won’t find many other products that offer you that kind of protection!

Check out the 28-day keto challenge here

Final Thoughts & Future Articles

I hope you have found this Keto resource review useful and have an appreciation of why I consider it an effective diet plan for a testosterone booster. If you have any questions in regard to this review, how the keto diet can boost testosterone or about Keto Resource as whole. Just drop me a comment below and I’ll get back to you. Please share this article with anyone you think may find it interesting. You can also follow me on my social media sites. I’ll be covering more about testosterone booster diet plans. Plus other ways to naturally optimize T.

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